I Help Companies Scale With Paid Trafic

Hi There, I'm John T. Belcher

And I Help Companies Scale With Paid Traffic

Over the past decade, I've learned that I have a unique ability to connect the technical and creative parts of marketing to drive more sales with paid traffic.

So I've turned my process into a system that helps companies that are stuck, figuring out where they're stuck so they can fix it, and start scaling again.

How I Do It?

Over the last 10 years, I've managed more than $150M in ad spend across 21 ad networks running offers in every industry and vertical you can imagine.

And through the experience, I've learned there are three factors to successfully scaling:

1. Understanding if the goal you want to accomplish is mathematically possible

2. Getting your funnel to convert at best-in-class levels

3. Diversifying your ad spend across as many networks as possible

The Process

The process I use to help companies is pretty simple:

Step 1: The Scaling Plan:

The first step in the process is reviewing your goals, your existing advertising efforts & results, your funnels, and the team you have to support you to help you build a plan for scaling.

You need to see what actions you need to prioritize to be able to take your business to the next level.

Step 2: Funnel Forensics:

The biggest point of leverage you have against your competition is having a funnel that outperforms theirs.

I help my clients develop a system to constantly evaluate and improve their funnels so they are always operating at best-in-class levels.

Step 3: The Diversification Code:

Over the years, I've found that diversifying your ad spend is the fastest (and easiest) way to continue to grow your sales.

But there needs to be a strategy to this diversification.

I've developed a process that allows me to prioritize which networks every company should test and the order in which they should test them.

A Few People I've Helped

We saw John’s expertise early on and brought him into AdSkills as an instructor. His trainings were a smash hit with our 13,000+ customers and quickly his trainings became our best sellers and highest reviewed. We also sold out a few workshops by having John as our main instructor. John is a triple threat, not only is he an expert but he does this stuff and can teach it effectively. That’s rare and why he gets our full endorsement.

Justin & Chaunna Brooke - AdSkills

John is quite simply one of the best on the planet.

Whether it's knowing how to buy media, design an offer, help a business grow or track any of those things in an easy to understand way...John is your guy.

Generous with his time and wisdom he's one of the few people I love to geek out with on a problem or new idea

Hire him, learn from him, collaborate with him. You will be very grateful you did.

Mike Rhodes - WebSavvy, AgencySavvy

Mike Rhodes

John Belcher has made me and my company so much money...millions actually. He started out when I first hired him by finding a $15k mistake made by the marketing agency we hired. He went on to scale our company using youtube. Besides all of that, he is seriously just a great guy to work with.

David Dutton - Entrepeneur & Real Estate Investor

John is hands down one the best teachers and media buyers I've ever come across.

I've consulted with John on a number projects and EVERY time I talk to him I'm blown away. The level of insight and support he gives is second to none. He overdelivers in everything he does.

His teaching continues to put tons of $$ in me and my clients pockets. I can't recommend him enough.

Jeremy Gillespie - Built To Scale

Jeremy Gillespie

John has helped our company for years in a consultative fashion. He has helped introduce everything from processes around content that converts, to tracking that better allows attribution, to overall strategy. More than that though John is one of the most high level & low ego individuals I have ever worked with and all around team players. He approaches challenges from a business owner level vs. a traditional marketer. John is one of the highest level people I have met in 10+ of internet marketing!

Anthony Sarandrea - Siteflood


I’ve know John for a while and proud to call him a friend. We’ve worked on several projects together and the insights he’s given me and my team have been nothing short of incredible. 

What I love about John is that we can casually chat strategy and enjoy each other’s company for hours. But then when there is something I’d love his eye on, it’s like he is able to unleash his superpower, gets straight to the point, diagnoses the problem and give solutions that work.

For sure, he has put a ton of money in my pocket over the years, but he’s made me think differently and that’s where it continues to pay.

Tom Breeze - Viewability

Tom Breeze

How I Can Help You Today

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The fastest way for me to put money in your pocket is for you to get my weekly emails where I lay out opportunities that can put more money in your pocket.

Check Out My Products & Services

Products and services are the fastest way for you to "rent my brain" and tackle a specific issue that, once overcome, will put a lot more money into your pockets.

Email Me For A Scaling Plan

The first step in working together is to build a scaling plan to help you understand if what you are trying to achieve is possible and, if it is, prioritize what you need to focus on to generate results.

Click the button below to send me an email and we can talk through what this looks like.

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